Sunday, 24 July 2011

First post - the latest Koi lamp...

This is the first post for the all new blog which is going to feature all the latest developments from KiKU craft & design. Don't know quite how to start so I'm gonna jump straight in...

Just taking a short break from my other, other job as head of the photographic retouching department for to post a couple of pics showing the latest koi lamp developments.

I've used a rosewood stain to darken the poplar wood right down to provide a better contrast between that and the shoji screens. Though it might be pretty cool to se what a multi-layered version of the koi would look like.  

Here's a few pics to see how it all turned out...

1 comment:

  1. Just in case anyone wonders who that cute little fella is posing next to the lamp. He's called Tenuki and you can read about him here...
